My Roles:

Gameplay Design

Project Management

Level Design

Engine: Unity

Team size: 10

Project length: 7 weeks

Platform: PC

Game Summary

The Hermit is an top-down action adventure game. You play as a wandering hermit in a forest inhabitant of friendly spirits. Help the spirits by defending their forest from the invading evil weasels.

Progressing through the forest will unlock new spirit types, that will help the hermit in his journey. Together with the spirits the hermit can solve the mysteries of the forest.

My Contribution

Gameplay Design

Core Loop Design

Camea Movment

Enemy Design

Project Management

Scrum Master

Leading meeting

Project planning

Team Building

Level Design

Level Blockout

Layout planning

Design Iterations

Core Gameplay Loop

The hermit can attack enemies using his staff or throwing minions at them. If attacking in rapid succession with the staff, the third hit becomes a stronger hit. Throwing minions does damage on impact if they hit enemies, and if they land on the ground they will search for puzzles that they can solve for the hermit. To regain health the hermit can eat fruits growing from plants, these fruits can also be used to revive and heal damaged spirits.

Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_15_01
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_13_39
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_19_56
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_18_24
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_14_22
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_19_43
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_17_28
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_17_06
Team02_TheHermit 2020-09-21 17_12_54

Camera System

To build and set up the camera movement in The Hermit I followed my two golden rules.

The camera should always show everything that is of interest at the given moment.

The camera should feel natural and should never annoy the player.


For me to achieve the desired camera I worked with Cinemachine. I had to find the right camera distance to get nice camera angle and field of view to get a nice perspective.

Next up is to find a smooth camera movement. The camera dampening and look a head is the key to find a nice weight to the cameras movement.

Lastly I added some minor noise to the camera so that it is never completely still.

Project management

The entire development of The Hermit was done from home during the covid quarantine. This was challenging for us.  To solve this the team used discord for communication, meeting and planning, and Miro to come up with the design and plan the project. 

In Miro we created a scrum board containing. A product backlog divided into categories to help us create user stories, that we prioritized depending necessity for the project. A weekly backlog containing the user stories being worked on, and a board with tasks and their progress user stories being worked on.

Level Design

When designing the level for the game we wanted it to feel open and have the player explore around the level, unlocking new areas as new spirit types became available. We also wanted the player to have a good onboarding section where they get a feel for the game and try out the mechanics.

As development moved on we had to cut parts of the level and go for a more linear approach to the design. The change was made due to lack of time and the benefit would be a better onboarding section. Even with the last minute changes we were able to keep most of the initial design.

My Roles:

Gameplay Design

Technical Design

Engine: UE4

Team size: 8

Project length: 2 weeks

Date: September 2019

Platform: PC (controller)


Washed-Up is a chaotic pvp, physic based party game. Each players goal is to become employee of the month by saving the most plates spewing out from a broken dishwasher. Stack plates at all costs even if you have to sabotage for your co-workers.

Plate Physics

Catching fully physic based plates was difficult and did not feel fun. To solve this issue we created magnets for each plate and the tray.

The magnets force was tuned enough to make the plates able to stack on each other. But at the same time the player would have to be careful not to drop them. This created a risk and reward moment, for the players. Will they stack more and risk losing all.

Plate Spawner

The game contains five spawn points one above each table. One of these spawners will light up and become a super spawner, increasing the spawn rate by a lot. The super spawner will rotate every few seconds during the match. This is to make the players move more and cause more chaos.

Each time a plate spawns it has a chance to become a golden plate which is worth more points!

Zombie AI simulation


Time: 2 weeks (january 2020)

Team: 2 Designers

Engine: UE4

Behavior Tree

The goal with this prototype was to create a single behavior tree could control and transition between all NPCs.

In the prototype we set up healthy npcs that would roam around and hide from zombies, a couple of zombies that would search for healthy npcs.

When a healthy npc got hit by a zombie they become infected and eventually becomes a zombie. 


Quest System


Time: 1 week

Solo Project

Engine: Unity + C#

Quest System

A simple quest system that is  very world of warcraft inspired. Creating new quests can easily be done using the Questmanager.

The prototype features, accepting, completing from quest npcs. It also features a questlog that displays current quests and previously completed quests.

Completing quests can unlock new follow up quests.The player can also abandon quests.

Package or project avaliable on request.

Swine Not!

Board game

Swine Not!

Dinner time is closing in and the chef has not even began cooking, The pig is even alive!

Swine Not! Is team based board game. With the goal to herd a panicking AI Pig component into your kitchen.

Plan your movement or draw a action card to chase the Pig. Keep in mind that the pig will always stay away from the players. strategies together with your team mate to chain the pigs movement to your advantage.

Date: 2019

Time: 2 weeks

Team size: 3

Players: 1-4

Playtime: 10-20min

Ages: 12+


Card game


You are late to work! Explain your travels to work why you are late. Use the cards to build your Transit and come up with the best excuse to win!

Transit is a simple single deck card game. That's about build the longest path to work by connecting cards with different modes of transportation.  To get a complete path it has to start from the house and end at the finish flag icon.

Date: 2019

Time: 1 week

Team size: 3

Players: 2-4

Playtime: 10-15min

Ages: 6+